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Thumps Up to JUROL for igniting a War Against Corruption (WAC).

Caroline Du Plessis



Thumps Up to JUROL for igniting a War Against Corruption (WAC), a necessary and timely call to action.

Mr. Peter Smith of iniafrica.com had this to say: “As long as no shared understanding exists on what is public trust and public power, any war against a mirage is doomed to fail.

Public trust is expressed in the exercise of sovereign choices to elect or not elect public office bearers.

Public power is conveyed by voluntary acts.

No government actor can self-create but derives his nexus with this vehicle from the will of the people in whose name public power is necessary.

The office bearer whose relationship with government becomes that of principal and agent becomes public property and his use of public power necessarily becomes subject to public scrutiny.

Where is the address for testing faithfulness to serve the public and not to steal the public trust vested in these servants or vessels of the people

Governments are instituted to secure rights that are endowed to all as unalienable gifts of nature and no government, a creature of statute, can confer rights that it does not itself have.”

Against the above backdrop, Mr. Tichaona Mupasiri, a Director of Public Policy at JUROL said: “Civics literacy is a call to action.

Ignorance is a friend of ignorance, fatalism, tyranny and apathy.

I recently joined a group powered by the Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) initiative whose intended goal is to create a bank whose currency are the people in it.

The first phase is to build a bank of 10,000 living and forward leaning individuals.

I was nominated and subscribed as a member of BOAF and was inducted into the community of 10,000 Points of Light (POL) and recognizing that the media ecosystem is critical in defining and shaping the character and personality of the future I want to see, I was compelled to play my part in giving life to the JUROL INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM initiative and the WAR AGAINST CORRUPTION (WAC).

As an African inhabitant, I used to think that electoral politics is the alpha and omega of public engagements until I joined BOAF only to realize that the constitution vests the power and duty on the individual to defend and uphold the rule of law.

I believe that an oath to serve is a covenant between those who are entrust to exercise public power and those who give it.

It is for this reason that history will remember me for being a trail blazer by invoking s167(2)(d) to determine whether President Mnangagea had breached a constitutional duty. The power to determine this test is vested in the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe on behalf of the citizens of Zimbabwe.

i have also invoked s167(3) of the Constitution to test whether the President of Zimbabwe’s conduct in relation to allegations made by Edwin Manikai his trusted lawyer that he was knowingly and intentionally party to a scheme that gave birth to the reconstruction of state-indebted companies act, a penal and confiscatory law, that has been recognized and enforced during President Mnangagwa’s tenure.

This enforcement and recognition of this law that Professor Moyo aptly described as satanic and barbaric has put President Mnangagwa and the spotlight.

My act of citizenship has provoked another person to test under s167 whether the reality of the President who apparently in terms of the Return of Service filed by the Sheriff never was served with my application including the attorney general miraculously opposed my application using the agency of DMH Attorneys, Manikai’s firm.

It is worth highlighting that Manikai was one of the two Respondents in my application in which I sought the court to afford him an opportunity under oath to give his own account of his state of knowledge and involvement in what he voluntarily described as the harvest of a political fallout between Mnangagwa and Mawere.

The cloud created by Manikai’s revelation that if one pisses of Mnangagwa, the public power can be used to punish and decimate the rights and freedoms entrenched in the constitution was chilling enough to take the next step of using the apex court to determine the truth into what caused the spectacular and dramatic demise of not only SMM but related juristic entities with devastating impact on jobs and incomes.

The effects of this abuse of power are still felt today when Gwaradzimba whose relationship with SMM was created using the force of a law with the massive evictions of former employees of the mining company.

President Mnangagwa has admitted that he is fixed with the knowledge of the facts and circumstances of the use of this public law as a weapon against the SMM community but has so far refused and neglected to give details of the nexus between him and these troubling facts, what he did to protect the integrity of government, and his involvement in converting SMM’s former thriving mining operations into ruins.

I was also shocked that the reconstruction act could be used as a weapon to hijack Mawere’s personal house and for 18 years allow Gwaradzimba, a close confidante of President Mnangagwa to unjustly enrich himself with impunity.

Having learned that the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission was neutralized to divert its investigation from the criminality that was enabled by the weaponization of this law into some aimless investigation of Mr. Dhlembeu who was agreed to take responsibility for the theft of Mawere’s house and using SMM to receive money with the voluntary assistance of the firm KNIGHT FRANK ZIMBABWE as an agent for collecting the loot.

Abuse of public power has been synonymous with the absence of rule of law and lack of respect for property rights.

In a bid to sweep this cancer under the carpet, money has exchanged hands and the public has remained in the dark as to what has been obtaining with regards to matters of public interest.

Corruption, nepotism and all sorts of social I’ll have become the daily bread for many if not all.

It is on this background that Justice Under Rule of Law, an organisation obsessed with holding public office bearers to account, has launched War Against Corruption (WAC) with the main purpose of fighting corruption, which has caused untold suffering including lack of confidence by both local & foreign investors in many countries , Zimbabwe included.

Make a bold step today and be part of those who have chosen to take steps in fighting this scourge.”


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