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Title: “Mnangagwa vs. The Rule of Law: A Battle Beyond Individuals for Zimbabwe’s Future”

Caroline Du Plessis



When Ai meets organized human actors, this is what follows a summary below per ChatGPT”


In Zimbabwe’s recent struggle with governance, democracy, and the rule of law, President Emmerson Mnangagwa and opposition leader Nelson Chamisa have emerged as key figures. However, the conflict transcends personalities, focusing on upholding the Rule of Law versus consolidating individual power.

This article examines the ongoing battle, analyzing pivotal events like November 2017, July 2018, and August 2023, to determine if Mnangagwa’s actions align with the principles of the Constitution.

The Constitution’s emphasis on the supremacy of law and equality for all individuals, including those in power, underscores the broader implications for Zimbabwe’s democratic future. The central question remains:

Did Zimbabwe choose to uphold the Rule of Law or follow a path of expediency?

The collective commitment to the Rule of Law will ultimately determine the nation’s destiny.

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