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Is victim mentality in the mind of someone whose rights have been infringed and no restitution has occured or is it associated with someone who wakes up feeling wronged?

Caroline Du Plessis



Tendai asked this question in a WhatsApp group: “Is victim mentality in the mind of someone whose rights have been infringed and no restitution has occured or is it associated with someone who wakes up feeling wronged?” and set out below is the response that he got:

“Tendai, please tell me who violated your rights, then let’s go to lay charges.
Seriously, I ask once again, who?
Did Martin (SAn), or Jayne (British), or Zuma (Zulu), or ??? (Turkish), or Einstein’s great grand children (German). or the till operator in Makro, or a housekeeper in Senegal?
In case you don’t know, most US slaves were caught and sold by black people in or around what’s now Senegal, from their slave auction house on the isle of Gorée (which we in the Dakar Group visited).
Who has “blood on their hands” and who doesn’t. PLEASE tell us. Why are you never specific?
Please tell us who exactly obsesses you, and why.
If, which is the best you do, you name “countries” and ethnic groups (both amorphous individuals), who in those countries or those groups have in mind as debtors and creditors?
And my perennial question, when will you pay me the reparations you owe me for what your “people” did to mine?
Martin is right about the “victim mentality”. It’s a terribly debilitation, and I’m sorry to say, racist force.
Do you not regard yourself as having it? It seems to me and perhaps others that you do.
You invest huge amounts of time victimhood confirmation bias.
I assume that you mean this question:
“is victim mentality in the mind of someone whose rights have been infringed and no restitution has occured or is it associated with someone who wakes up feeling wronged?”
There are multiple and complex causes of the mental illness.

  1. Thinking in real or contrived collectives (country, race, religion, group, class etc).
  2. As I wrote above, “someone whose rights have been violated” should lay charges.
  3. Victims of brainwashing that they are “victims”.
  4. Quite whose victims they’re supposed to be is unknowable.
  5. Personal failure. Drug addicts, for instance, justify addiction by saying they are “victims” of whoever suits them.
  6. Bad policies. Stupid governments and their impoverished victims blame someone else, a colonizer, for instance, or “big” business, or capitalism elsewhere, or male dominance, or past wars, or slavery etc.
    Now, how about answering my questions.

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