As the world is grappling with the Corona pandemic, Zimbabwe, an economically bedridden country which was once the breadbasket of Africa has its political landscape filled with the drama of political power struggles whose episodes...
As the world is grappling with the Corona pandemic, Zimbabwe, an economically bedridden country which was once the breadbasket of Africa has its political landscape filled with the drama of political power struggles whose episodes...
January 2020 came and it’s now gone, but there are some things that happened in it that really stands out especially in the world of communication. In...
Controversial MDC-T politician Obert Gutu has resigned from the party where he was the vice president. Writing on Twitter, he said that he is doing it...
The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) yesterday ransacked Harvest House, the MDC’s headquarters in search of machetes and other subversive materials. A search warranty which was used...